3ds Max 2014 IN SIMPLE STEPS provides a thorough, in-depth, and step-by-step approach for learning the 3ds Max 2014 application. The book provides ample and rich content that helps a novice user as well as professionals depending on the user’s requirements. This book covers core concepts and the master skills required to work in three-dimensional, designing, modeling, animating, and rendering environments. It also covers the modeling strategies and key concepts required to create poly objects and poly sub-objects. The book also includes the new and enhanced features of 3ds Max 2014. The book includes various methodologies to work with animation, Inverse Kinematics, and character studio. In addition, this book is an ideal introduction for all levels of readers.
The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of computer books bringing excellent content in software development to the fore. The team is committed to excellence—excellence in quality of content; excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors; excellence in the attention to detail; and excellence in understanding the needs of their readers.
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