Access 2010 in Simple Steps

Author Name : Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9789350040584
Release Date : 8 February 2011
With CD : No
Pages : 240
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 1331


Access 2010 In Simple Steps is all about understanding, creating, and managing databases. The book is based on the latest version of MS Access and helps you to master database handling techniques. The step-by-step approach, along with screenshots, notes, and tips, are few salient features of this book. The book covers the latest features introduced in Access 2010, such as wide range of online templates, use of themes, and quick design of user friendly reports. The book is designed for upcoming professionals looking for career opportunity in the field of Database Administration as well as for students who want to enhance their skills in Access 2010.

The book covers:

  • Creating database using blanks and online templates
  • Creating tables, defining data types, validation rules, and setting relationship between tables
  • Creating queries on specified criteria and working with Action Query
  • Preparing forms with the help of Form Tool, Form Wizard, and Form Design Tool
  • Creating special forms, such as Navigation Form, Multiple Items Form, Datasheet Form, and Split Form
  • Generating reports by using various tools, such as Report Tool, Report Design Tool, and Report Wizard
  • Applying themes in reports and working with the page layout of report
  • Importing data from an Excel worksheet, text file, HTML document, another Access database, and Outlook folder
  • Linking the Access database, Excel worksheet, and Outlook folder
  • Exporting data to an Excel worksheet, text file, and HTML format


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