Beginning Hibernate

Author Name : Dave Minter, Jeff Linwood
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9788181285348
Release Date : 19 October 2006
With CD : No
Pages : 360
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 1783


Beginning Hibernate From Novice to Professional is ideal if you’re experienced in Java with databases (the traditional, or connected, approach), but are new to open source lightweight Hibernate the most popular de facto objectrelational mapping and databaseoriented application development framework. This book packs in brand new information about the latest release of the Hibernate 3.2.x persistence layer and provides a clear introduction to the current standard for objectrelational persistence in Java.

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Jeff Linwood has been involved in software programming since he had a 286 in high school. He got caught up with the Internet when he got access to a UNIX shell account, and it has been downhill ever since. Jeff has published articles on several Jakarta Apache open source projects in Dr. Dobbs Journal, CNETs, and JavaWorld. Jeff has a bachelors degree in chemical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He currently works for the Gossamer Group in Austin, Texas, on content management and web application syndication systems. He gets to play with all the latest open source projects there. Jeff also coauthored Professional Struts Applications, Building Portals with the Java Portlet API, and Pro Hibernate 3. He was a technical reviewer for Enterprise Java Development on a Budget and Extreme Programming with Ant.
Dave Minter has adored computers since he was small enough to play in the boxes they came in. He built his first PC from discarded, faulty, and obsolete components, and considers that to be the foundation of his career as an integration consultant. Dave is based in London, where he helps large and small companies build systems that just work. He coauthored Building Portals with the Java Portlet API and Pro Hibernate 3.

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