Comdex Multimedia and Animation Course Kit is for upcoming professionals looking for career opportunity in the field of Multimedia and Animation designing as well as for pioneers who want to upgrade their skills by learning new versions of applications used in the field of Multimedia and Animation.
This book covers various software applications, such as Photoshop CS5, Flash CS5, 3ds Max 2012, Maya 2012, Sound Forge 10.0, Premiere Pro CS5 and After Effects CS5 in an easy-to-understand language with ample screen shots. The book helps you to learn various multimedia and animation designing applications and explore career opportunities present in the field of Multimedia and Animation.
Vikas Gupta is a publisher, an internationally acclaimed author, a prolific speaker on computer learning and epublishing and cofounder of a software company offering ITenabled services. He has coauthored several books for American giants like Wiley, McGraw Hill and IDG. His earlier books in the same series have broken all records of popularity selling more than a quarter million copies in India alone.
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