Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Interview Questions

Author Name : Saurabn Lal, Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9788177229530
Release Date : 30 November 2010
With CD : No
Pages : 112
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 2119


The purpose of an interview is to assess the level of knowledge of a candidate on a subject matter and evaluate the extent to which one can contribute towards a companys development. Even after comprehensive training and referring books, there can be instances of not being able to find answers. This book, Microsoft CRM 4.0 interview questions, helps you in preparing to overcome such situations. This book is intended for beginners as well as experienced practitioners of MS CRM 4.0

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Saurabh Lal is a MIS and CRM professional with over thirteen years of rich experience. He has worked for some of the leading names in the field of financial services, outsourced product development and broadcast graphics. He is a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Delhi and has successfully completed the certificate programme in sales and marketing from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He played a pivotal role in recommending the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for his current organisation, where he led a team of professionals for implementation and customisation. His specialties include mapping out the sales process of an organisation in the CRM. Besides the Microsoft Dynamics CRM his interest is in another great Microsoft product, the MS Excel.
The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of computer books bringing excellent content in software development to the fore. The team is committed to excellence—excellence in quality of content, excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors, excellence in the attention to detail, and excellence in understanding the needs of its readers.

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