February 13, 2019
RRB JE 2nd Stage (CBT), Electronics Engineering, Exam Goalpost Solved Papers & Practice Tests: is a must-have resource for the aspirants of RRB Junior Engineer (JE) 2nd Stage (CBT) exam. The book is aimed to be an essential step in the preparation by solving and practising a wide variety of questions as per the new examination pattern. It includes 2400+ questions with complete solutions, covering all the topics notified by RRB JE for 2nd stage. The explanatory solution to each question not only delivers an insight into the logical details for answering it, but also helps aspirants tackle similar questions in the real examination.
Book Includes:
- Covers all topics as per new syllabus and exam
pattern notified by RRB - Includes 900+ solved questions, with detailed
solutions, from previous years’ questions papers - Includes 10 practice tests with detailed solutions
- Topicwise tagging provides a better strategy
for exam preparation
ISBN: 978-93-88934-03-9
Price: 399