The Computer Concepts and C Programming book helps you to master the fundamentals of computer and C programming language. The book is divided into two sections—the first section elaborates the basic concepts of computer, such as input/output devices, memory device, and operating systems. The second section of the book provides an in-depth coverage of programming techniques in C programming and covers concepts such as variables, operators, strings, managing input/output, arrays, and pointers.
Vikas Gupta is a publisher, an internationally acclaimed author, a prolific speaker on computer learning and e-publishing, and co-founder of a software company, offering IT-enabled services. He has coauthored several books for American publishing giants such as Wiley, McGraw Hill, and IDG. His earlier books in the same series have broken all records of popularity, selling more than three million copies in India alone. Comdex Computer Course Kit, a world-class learning system (Book + Software), was introduced by him after four years of research. The book was an instant hit. However, the feedback revealed a growing demand for a textbook on Computer Basics and C Programming. So, here is a new book that widely covers Computer Concepts and C Programming.?
The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of engineering textbooks, bringing excellent content in engineering and technical education to the fore. The team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press is committed to providing excellence in quality of content by judiciously analyzing the needs of its readers and ensuring dedication of its authors and editors in catering to these needs. “