Financial Management


Author Name : Paresh P. Shah
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9788177224627
Release Date : 20 Sep 2005
With CD : No
Pages : 492
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 1930


Financial Management, Indian Text Edition is designed as a comprehensive textbook cum reference book on financial management. It has been written in accordance with the requirements of students pursuing the M.B.A., C.A., I.C.W.A., C.F.A., C.S., M.Com., B.B.A, and other post graduate and graduate level courses. It will also be useful to practicing business executives and officers who want to improve their knowledge of financial management. The systematically organized text provides a sound conceptual base in the business finance theory. The book includes the latest trends and current thoughts on financial management as adopted by various professional courses. The principles, essential concepts and conventions have been explained step by step in a flowing manner in a lucid language, not burdened by technical jargon. Current practical applications of the key principles have been covered through reallife case studies.

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Paresh P. Shah is M.Com, L.L.B., D.B.M., I.C.W.A., A.A.S.M., and Ph.D. Finance (Gujarat University). Dr. Shah, an accredited management teacher by AIMA, is currently the Director of Fenil Institute, Ahmedabad. He is also a visiting faculty to a number of management institutes.

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