Illustrator CS6 in Simple Steps

Author Name : Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9789350045961
Release Date : 24 Dec 2012
With CD : No
Pages : 280
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 1635


ILLUSTRATOR CS6 IN SIMPLE STEPS provides an in-depth, step-by-step approach to learn and master the skills required to work with Illustrator. This book focuses on the key concepts of vector drawing in Illustrator. It also promises to enhance the skills required for a designer. The book begins with an introduction to all the new and enhanced features of Illustrator CS6, such as gradient on strokes, pattern creation, image trace, and the new Adobe Mercury Performance system.An easy-tounderstand and systematic approach that starts from the basics, supplemented with practical examples and screenshots, makes the book unique. The content of this book is presented in such a way that it will be equally helpful to the beginners as well as the professionals.

The book covers:

  • The new and improved features of Illustrator CS6.
  • Different methods to create a document in Illustrator and work with multiple artboards.
  • Drawing simple shapes and shapes in perspective.
  • Different ways of making selections.
  • The procedure to duplicate, lock, align, and distribute objects.
  • The concept of creating and working with symbols and graphs.
  • The different concepts of color theories, color modes, color adjustments, and gradients.
  • The concept of anchor points and paths, using Pen Tool to create path, and Live Paint groups.
  • The procedure to manage and format text using Character and Paragraph Styles.
  • How to organize objects in a document using layers, sublayers, guides, grid, and rulers.
  • The procedure to create special effects using effects, brushes, and graphic styles.
  • The procedure to save, export documents for the Web, and print.
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The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of computer books bringing excellent content in software development to the fore. The team is committed to excellence—excellence in quality of content; excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors; excellence in the attention to detail; and excellence in understanding the needs of their readers.

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