Mobile Communication and Computing (INCLUDES LAB EXERCISES)

Author Name : Dr. G T. Thampi, DT Editorial Services
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9789351197171
Release Date : 17 Dec 2014
With CD : No
Pages : 376
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 1810


The book introduces you to the basic concepts and principles of mobile computing. It covers the major techniques involved and network and system issues for the design and implementation of mobile computing systems and applications. The book explores both the theoretical and practical issues of mobile computing and provides an opportunity for the readers to understand the key components and technologies involved for gaining hands-on experiences in building mobile applications.

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“Dr. G T. Thampi is Principal of Thadomal Sahani Engineering College, Mumbai. He is having more than 60 publications in various Journals and conference proceedings. He was member of numerous academic bodies of University of Mumbai. He has been carrying out research on ‘Developing procedures, templates and Methodologies based upon cognitive load theories’ to make learning of Computer Programming and Computer Aided Engineering Procedures effective and inducing a temperament for learning information technologies in pupils and learners. He has immense experience in academic project guided with Computer Aided Procedures and continuing education program conducted for teachers. He has successfully supervised 6 research scholars to be awarded with PhD degrees by University of Mumbai. Currently supervising 8 PhD scholars in the University of Mumbai. Last but not least he remain focused for evangelizing the concept and construct of Supply Chain of Intellectual Capital for Indian Knowledge Economy The proficient team at Dreamtech Press has seized the market of engineering textbooks, bringing excellent content in engineering and technical education to the fore. The team Dreamtech Press is committed to providing excellence in quality of content by judiciously analyzing the needs of its readers and ensuring dedication of its authors and editors in catering to those needs. “

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