This book, SAP Audit Black book , brings you a simple, to the point non-technical jargon free discussion on auditing of SAP Systems along with comprehensive real life examples based on author’s real life audits. It is one of the first SAP Audit books that cover real life internal controls and business cycles rather than plain technical discussion. Targeting intermediate and advanced-level readers, this book discusses ERP Risks from an Auditor’s Perspective; SAP Skills required for Auditors; Enterprise Structure Elements; End-to-End Business Cycles for Auditors – O2C & P2P; Audit of Integration of SAP Modules; SAP Implementation Process; Business Blueprint from an Auditor’s Perspective; Data Gathering for SAP Audits; Automatic Configuration Controls; SUIM for Auditors; AIS – Audit Information System; LSMW – Legacy System Migration Workbench for Auditors; SAP Reports for Auditors; GRC – Global Risk Compliance; Extracting Data and Dealing with Tables in SAP; and Important SAP TCodes for Auditors. The author has spent the last 14 years of his career acquiring this knowledge through the trial and error method. It covers both auditing concepts and its implementation in the SAP environment. It can serve as a starting point for the people who want to comprehend how to audit an ERP system. Most of the SAP Audit material currently available deals with technical details and throws little light on its functional audit execution. This book is author’s humble attempt to bridge the gap by providing real life scenarios along with technical details.
Bhushan J Mamtani is a Qualified Chartered Accountant (i.e. member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) and SAP consultant with over 14 years of techno functional experience in the areas of Financial Accounting, Auditing, IFRS, Cost Analysis, and System Design, having exposure to Multiple ERP systems like SAP, MS Dynamics Navision and FACT. He is also the author of the bestseller SAP FICO BLACKBOOK. He has independently developed Digital Accountant, a general purpose Financial Accounting cum Inventory Package, which can be accessed at He has worked as a consultant with Big Four Consulting Firm Deloitte and as a module lead with Reliance – ADAG. He has been instrumental in designing the costing system of Pyro-Processing cement plant at MIL. The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of computer books bringing excellent content in software development to the fore. The team is committed to excellence—excellence in quality of content, excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors, excellence in the attention to detail, and excellence in understanding the needs of its readers.