SolidWorks 2013 for Engineers and Designers textbook introduces the readers to SolidWorks 2013, the world’s leading parametric solid modeling package. In this textbook, the author emphasizes on the solid modeling techniques that improve the productivity and efficiency of the users. Also, the chapters are structured in a pedagogical sequence that makes this textbook very effective in learning the features and capabilities of the software.
The salient features of this textbook are as follows:
- Comprehensive Approach: This textbook consists of 18
chapters organized in a pedagogical sequence coveringvarious concepts explained with the help of more than 1500 linediagrams and screen capture images.
- Tutorial Approach: The author has adopted the tutorial pointof-
view and learn-by-doing approach throughout the textbook.This approach guides the users through the process of creatingthe models in the tutorials.
- Real-World Projects as Tutorials: The author has used about
50 real-world mechanical engineering projects as tutorials inthis book. This enables the readers to relate the tutorials in thebook to the real-world models in the mechanical engineeringindustry. In addition, there are about 46 exercises that are baseson the real-world mechanical engineering projects.
- Tips and Notes: Additional information is provided to the users
in the form of tips and notes.
- Learning Objectives: The first page of every chapter summarizes the topics that are covered in it.
- Self-Evaluation Test, Review Questions, and Exercises:Every chapter ends with a Self-Evaluation test so that the users can assess their knowledge of the chapter. The answers to the Self-Evaluation Test are given at the end of the chapter. Also, Review Questions and Exercises are given at the end of each chapter and they can be used by the Instructors as test questions and exercises.
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