Illustrated C# 2012, 4th Ed

Author Name : Daniel Solis
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9788132209638
Release Date : 11 October 2012
With CD : No
Pages : 764
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 2329


This book presents the C# 5.0 language in a uniquely succinct and visual format. Often in programming books, the information can be hidden in a vast sea of words. As a programmer who has over the years used a dozen programming languages, the author understands it can sometimes be difficult to slog through another 1,000-page book of dense text to learn a new language. There are likely many other programmers who feel the same way. To address this situation, this book explains C# 5.0 using figures; short, focused code samples; and clear, concise explanations.Figures are of prime importance in this book. While teaching programming seminars, Daniel Solis found that he could almost watch the light bulbs going on over the students’ heads as he drew the figures on the whiteboard. In this text, he has distilled each important concept into simple but accurate illustrations. The visual presentation of the content will give you an understanding of C# that’s not possible with text alone.

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Daniel Solis is a contract software engineer who has worked for a number of high-profile clients, including Microsoft Consulting Services, IBM, Lockheed Martin, and PeopleSoft. He has been programming and teaching object-oriented languages and development methods throughout the U.S. and Europe since the early days of C++. It was while teaching numerous seminars on various programming languages that he realized the immense power of diagrams in explaining programming language concepts.

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