Object Oriented Programming Methodology (CS and IT)


Author Name : Radha Shankarmani, Swati Ringe, and KLSI
Price INR :
ISBN 13 : 9789351191490
Release Date : 17 Aug 2013
With CD : No
Pages : 456
Format : Paper Back
Publisher : Dreamtech Press
Categories: , Product ID: 1900


The Object Oriented Programming Methodology (OOPM) book provides an easy-to-follow set of code and design standards to address the basic needs of Java programmers. The book is unique, as its content touches almost every important aspect of OOP methodology and Java language, such as what is OOP, how it is different from procedural programming, fundamental concepts of OOP (including class, object, abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism), features of Java language, Java installation, and arrays, string, vectors, interfaces, threads, errors, exceptions, and applet programming in Java. The book provides lots of examples in an easy-to-understand language along with exercises at the end of each chapter.

In this book, you learn about:

    • Procedural programming, top-down design and its drawbacks, OOP and its advantages, and Grady Booch methodology
    • Object, class, encapsulation or information hiding, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, message communication, reuse of code, coupling, cohesion, sufficiency, completeness, primitiveness, and metaclass
    • Evolution of Java, history of Java, how Java differs from other languages, features of Java language, installing and implementing

Java, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and bytecode

    • Development of a simple Java program, identifiers, keywords, literals, constants, separators, variables, data types, operators,

expressions, and branching and looping statements

    • Class, object, method, modifier, constructor, destructor, iterator, method overloading, inheritance, method overriding, final

class, and abstract class and abstract method

    • Implementation of association, aggregation, and composition relationships Arrays, strings, and vectors
    • Interfaces, how to declare and implement interfaces in classes, variables in interfaces, how to extend an interface, and how an

interface is different from an abstract class

    • Threads, how to instantiate and start a thread, how to start and run multiple threads, different states of a thread, and how to

implement the thread synchronization mechanism and thread interaction

    • Grouping of classes for deployment and reuse, built-in packages, the java.lang package, wrapper classes, the java.util package,

and creating and using user-defined packages

    • Exception handling, try and catch blocks, finally block, handling multiple exceptions, types of exceptions, built-in exceptions,

and user-defined exceptions

  • Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), AWT frames, applets, their life cycle, how to create applets, and how to use the Graphics and Color classes
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Radha Shankarmani is currently working as Associate Professor at the Department of Information Technology, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai,India. She is also pursuing her Doctorate from JNTU, Hyderabad. Prof. Shankarmani holds a Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering from NIT, Trichy and a Bachelors degree from PSG College of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Her areas of interest include Software Engineering, Software Testing, Software Architecture, Databases, Data Warehousing and Mining, Computer Simulation and Modeling, Management Information System and SOA.Having more than 16 years of teaching experience and 4 years of industry experience, she has held designations, such as Programmer, Software Engineer and Manager. She did her sabbatical for two months in Infosys, Pune in 2005 and has co-authored two books “Middleware and Enterprise Integration Technologies” and “Game Architecture and Programming” for Wiley India. She has published papers in several national and international conferences and journals.
Swati Ringe is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering, Fr.Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai, India. She has done her Masters degree in Computer Engineering from T.S.E.C. Bandra, Mumbai and Bachelors degree from Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad. She has also worked in software development as Intranet Head and project leader in software development companies. She has 13 years of teaching experience. Her areas of interest include Web Technologies, Internet and Computer Networks, Service Oriented Architecture, Middleware Technologies and Enterprise Application Integration, Theory of Computer Science, Object Oriented Programming, and Distributed Computing. She has published papers in several national and international conferences and journals.
The proficient teams at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press have seized the market of engineering textbooks, bringing excellent content in engineering and technical education to the fore. These teams are committed to providing excellence in the quality of content by judiciously analyzing the needs of their readers and ensuring dedication of their authors and editors in catering to these needs.

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